
Visual effects

As you may have noticed, I love particles. So we will work with particles and emitters in this section where I will cover dynamic instancing of objects.
What we will create is a small explosion of particles when you pick up a coin.
First we want to define a new datablock for the particle emitter we will be using later.
In art/datablocks create a new file CoinDatablock.cs
To execute datablocks you should do it in the datablockExec.cs file in the same folder.

The CoinDatablock.cs file should have the following code:

As you can see we define two new datablocks in this file, a ParticleEmitterDatablock for creating a new particle emitter. Particle emitters does not have a place in the world by themselves tho, they only emit particles they need a node to know where to emit particles from. Therefore we need a datablock for a particle emitter node aswell.
What you probably will notice here is when we dene the name of the datablocks, we write a colon and then another name. What does this mean?
This means that our new datablock, inherits values from another datablock. It makes a copy of the other datablock and lets you edit the values which will only aect the new datablock.
Another thing that is important to note, is that CoinEmitter references CoinParticle. Which is why it is important that CoinParticle is defined before CoinEmitter.


You have already seen an example of how a datablock is written. But I wrote the CoinParticle for you anyway:

You can copy and paste that to the CoinDatablock.cs.
Now a little task for you, I want you to create your own emitter. You can either use the ParticleEditor in the World Editor or try different values by writing them in script and then see how it looks in-game.
If you decide to script it in hand, then I wrote a small list of important ParticleEmitter field values.
If you think this is a waste of time, you can find my ParticleEmitterDatablock below, however I can ensure you, it is not a waste of time.

An important thing to note here is that I set the softnessDistance to 1.
It defaults to 1000, so it is important to set this down to something reasonable, or else your particles will look transparent when the background is not kilometres away.

On-the-fly instancing

Lets put these new datablocks to good use. We want some visual feedback to tell us that we have picked up a coin.
To spawn a new Emitter we will use the new operator. It works like this:

Remember it is the node not emitter we want to spawn, then we set the emitter inside the "constructor". What i call the constructor is the variable definitions inside the two brackets { and }.
This is where we define what datablock to use, the emitter and anything else we want to do with the newly created object.
We need to give this new object a position in the world.
To get the position of an object you would call

And to set the position of an object you would assign it, like this

Can you figure out where to spawn the new emitter? And how to set its position (one answer can be found below)
Hint: look in Coin.cs

Schedules and cleanup

If you run into a couple of Coins, and it is all working properly, then if you open the world editor you will notice that the emitters is still there even tho they stopped emitting particles (given that you gave the ParticleEmitter a lifetime) if you didn't you will see that they keep emitting particles.
We want to fix that! So I will introduce you to a very important feature in TorqueScript. Schedules.
You can use a schedule to delete the emitter after some time.
The schedule syntax is:

Or if you are not calling it on an object:

We can use this to delete the emitter after we spawn it:

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